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Sunday, 29 October 2017 14:57

Ten Tips for Easing Fall Allergies in and Around Your Home

house in the mountains

The sniffles, itchy eyes, sneezing, and scratchy throats are common symptoms of spring and summer allergies, but many Asheville residents find themselves suffering from those things throughout Autumn. Mold spores from wet weather and fallen leaves, ragweed, and other allergens plague us when we step outside; however, some of the most irritating allergens are found inside our homes.

Though it is nearly impossible to eradicate allergies altogether, there are several steps you can take around your home to reduce the presence of harmful allergens and ultimately ease the symptoms. In this article and the next, we will discuss 10 tips for lowering the level of irritants around your home.

1) Change Your HVAC Air Filters

One of the key functions of your heating and air conditioning system is filtering your home’s air. If your air filter is clogged with dirt and debris, air flow is reduced, and dust and allergens are allowed to collect on your home’s furniture and in carpets. Make sure you change your air filters at least every other month, or as often as they are dirty.

2) Vacuum Your Carpets Daily or Every Other Day

Your family members and pets track pollens and allergens into your home every time they enter. Though is a chore, vacuuming carpets daily or at least every other day will help reduce the presence of allergy irritants. Additionally, when you sweep your hardwoods and laminates, vacuum the dust piles and dispose of the bags.

3) Dispose of Raked Leaves and Thunderstorm Debris

During Fall, the changing leaves are a pleasant sight and a tourist attraction in the Asheville area; however, as those leaves fall and collect in your yard, rain and groundwater help them create the perfect environment for mold development. In order to reduce the impact of that mold on you and your family, practice these steps:

  • Clear storm debris from your yard
  • Rake leaves into piles
  • Bag raked leaves and dispose of them
  • Continue cutting your grass and leaves
  • If you suffer from allergies, wear a mask while doing yard work

city in the fall

4) Clear Your HVAC System of Storm Debris

Thunderstorms are almost as common with powerful autumn cold fronts as they are during the spring and summer months. Fallen leaves, limbs, and debris can collect on your HVAC unit, reducing its airflow and rendering it ineffective. Clear storm debris, so your heating and air conditioning system can adequately purify the air.

5) Remediate and Eradicate Indoor Mold

Regardless of the season, excess moisture in your home will lead to the development of mold. Many people are allergic to mold, but the symptoms of mold allergies are often indistinguishable from pollen and dust mites. If your home has a moisture problem, you likely have a mold problem as well.

If you suspect you have mold in your home, Legacy Contracting can help make sure it is properly and effectively remediated. The key to mold remediation is correcting the source of the moisture and water damage. Contact us for more information about home repair, restorations, and renovations in the Asheville area.

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